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Mara has a gift for taking complex subjects and distilling them in a digestible way for a variety of audiences. Her writing prowess spans the technical and professional for clients, to more personal writing in explorations of chronic pain for a variety of trade and mainstream publications.​


Through her policy consulting business, Mara writes on topics including the Affordable Care Act, employer-based coverage, Medicaid, prescription drug pricing, and the American Rescue Plan Act. Examples of writing deliverables include:

  • Policy briefs and detailed policy reports,

  • Federal comment letters and responses to Requests for Information,

  • Intent to Negotiate proposal requests,

  • Request for Applications and grant proposals, and

  • Messaging for boards, stakeholder, and policymakers.


As a chronic pain sufferer for nearly a decade, Mara is producing a variety of literary non-fiction writing emphasizing the human experience of chronic pain and its impact on individuals, their loved ones, and society:

  • Upcoming book - Mara is authoring a book bringing her unique perspectives as a patient and health policy expert together to increase awareness about the issue of chronic pain and to help provide a voice to those who suffer.

  • Newsletter - Mara also publishes Chronic Pain Chats, a free newsletter providing pain sufferers and their loved ones with a place to learn and feel less alone in their journey. Please subscribe to be alerted when new pieces are available.

  • Recently published articles:

Mara’s writes technical, editorial, and literary pieces and is available to write for mainstream publications and policy audiences. If you’re interested in Mara writing something for your organization or publication, fill out the AgoHealth Interest Form.
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